
DGBL Instructional Theories

This one from Chapter Three is a list of instructional theories relevant to GBL.
These are also outlined along with how they relate to GBL.

Instructional design theory came out of synergies among learning theory, psychology, and media and communication studies. Instructional design theories are distinguished from instructional design models in that the ID theories attempt to explain what to do, whereas the instructional design models provide guidance on how to design it.

The Didactic group includes theories that provide a framework for instruction. They tend to be prescriptive in that they outline what needs to be done, often in what order, but they are not design models in that they don’t provide the process for actually creating the designs.

Instructionist approaches are algorithmic in style, in other words they follow a set pattern or process that is effectively the same for all learners. They are often teacher-led and the content or delivery is often controlled both in timing and amount, but as will be seen, this does not necessarily mean that the instruction ends up being the same for everyone.

The word ‘bricolage’ originally comes from the art and architecture worlds. It refers to the practice of constructing something by using whatever was at hand. By extension then bricolage instructional theories use whatever strategies and tools are available at the time. These strategies are often heuristic in nature and involve discovery and a degree of experimentation on the part of the teacher.

Bricolage is used here as a category of approaches rather than as a specific design theory. The theories / models in this group are here because they are strongly influenced by what is at hand.

The next category is hermaneutic theories, which are those that describe systems or environments for instruction. They focus on the context rather than the procedure.

Finally, the cognitive theories pick up where some of the cognitive learning theories leave off by offering approaches to support cognitive processes. These are approaches intended to help learners process information effectively.

If you want to read about how each of these learning theories relates to game-based learning, you'll have to buy the book. :-)

  • bookblog/dgbl_instructional_theories.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/05/18 18:32
  • by becker