

  1. Workshop Katrin Becker (2014) A Magic Bullet: Choosing and Using Games for the Classroom, CNIE 2014 Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning, Kamloops, BC, May 13-16, 2014 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
  2. Presentation Katrin Becker (2014) 4 Pillars of DGBL: A Structured Rating System for Games for Learning, CNIE 2014 Confluences: Spaces, Places & Cultures for Innovative Learning, Kamloops, BC, May 13-16, 2014 Canadian Network for Innovation In Education (CNIE)
  3. A Katrin Becker (2012) A Magic Bullet for Educational Games CNIE Green Aware 2012 – The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education, 14 - 16 May 2012, Canmore, Alberta
  4. R Katrin Becker (2012) A Magic Bullet for Assessing Games for Learning SITE 2012–Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012, Austin, Texas, USA; March 5-9, 2012
  5. Katrin Becker (2011) The Magic Bullet: A Tool for Assessing and Evaluating Learning Potential in Games, International Journal of Game Based Learning Vol. 1 No. 1 p.19-31
  6. R Katrin Becker (2012) A Magic Bullet for Assessing Games for Learning SITE 2012–Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012, Austin, Texas, USA; March 5-9, 2012
  7. [R] Katrin Becker (2010) Evaluating Educational Videogames: A Magic Bullet, CNIE Conference 2010, “Heritage Matters: Inspiring Tomorrow” Saint John, New Brunswick, May 16-19, 2010, paper, Slides
  8. [A] Katrin Becker (2009) Yet Another Magic Bullet: A Tool for Assessing and Evaluating Learning Potential In Games, Future Play 2009 @ GDC Canada Vancouver, BC May 12-13, 2009 slides on slideshare
  9. [A]Presentation Katrin Becker (2012) A Magic Bullet for Educational Games CNIE Green Aware 2012 – The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education, 14 - 16 May 2012, Canmore, Alberta
  10. [I] Invited Presentation Katrin Becker (2010) Evaluating Educational Games: A Magic Bullet, Digital Youth and Participatory Learning Workshop, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, November 19-20, 2010 Presentation (on Slideshare)
  • publications.txt
  • Last modified: 2014/06/11 18:10
  • by becker